BWP Elite Foal Auction… and off we go!....

BWP Elite Foal Auction

Bids are open, register now!


Saturday 15 July, BWP Elite Foal Auction at 7.30 pm. But the online bids are already open!


Starting this morning, we want to give you the opportunity to make a first bid for your favorite foal out of a top BWP mareline. The online bids are open till Saturday 15 July, 6 pm and then restart at 7.30 pm with the auction.


BWP Elite Foal Auction: BWP marelines make the difference!


Bidding for the auction foals is already possible via! To bid online, you must register in advance at


Practical info for the auction: Address: Haringslede, Moerbeke-Waas !!! This is a new address , not yet known by all GPS systems; better to enter this address: Pereboomsteenweg (LRV Moerbeke-Waas).

On July 15, the foals can be viewed in the stables from 12h. They will be shown to the public at around 3:30 pm.