BWP Top Stallion Auction: 37 auction stallions in 2016!

BWP Top Stallion Auction: 37 auction stallions in 2016!

The auction stallions are known. we make them widely known this year. On our website you will find the stallions who registered for the auction with full pedigree and sports performances. And thanks to the cooperation with Hippomundo this year even more information is available about the parent lines ( In the catalog of the stallion selection a QR code will be provided for each stallion. In a later stage, via the QR code alse the videos of the auction stallions will be povided.

The stallions who are still in the running for the third selection day, are maintained for the auction.

No problem if you cannot be present at the auction, you can bid via telephone. In that case, you have to register yourself at the auction team.

Please, contact Mrs. Lieve De Greeff (+ 32 497 538 982) before the auction and communicate your interest. During the auction, you will get a phone call from the auction team on the moment the stallion of your choice will be auctioned. In order to confirm your interest, we need your full data in advance. Please, send an e-mail mentioning a written permission or a bank guarantee. You will receive the purchase contract within 24 hours after the auction.